Unit news

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Read here all the unit news in french.

  • La succession est la conséquence de la dynamique d'un système socio-écologique

    Plant succession is part of an ecological as well as social dynamic


    Many consider succession to be a matter of plants and purely plant ecology, and to remain, to say the least, non-human. A fascinating synthesis, co-authored by Bruno Hérault, a member of the UPR Forêts et Sociétés, reveals just how truncated such a view remains. The results have been published in the journal Ecosphere.

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  • Industrial logging concessions have no impact on deforestation and forest degradation in the DRC

    Industrial logging concessions have no impact on deforestation and forest degradation in the DRC


    A recent study conducted in the Congo Basin, home to the world's second largest continuous tropical rainforest after the Amazon, finds no evidence that logging concessions in the DRC increase or decrease deforestation and forest degradation. The same study also shows that there is no evidence that logging concessions reduce deforestation in areas of high deforestation pressure.

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  • Syntropic agriculture and agroforestry, a common proposal force

    Syntropic agriculture and agroforestry, a common proposal force


    To mark the release of his book AgriculTerre: refonder l'agriculture au service de tous, Jacques Tassin was a guest on the April 5 edition of C'est pas du vent, hosted by Anne-Cécile Bras on RFI.

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  • Agroforestry contributes to the well-being of rural populations in East Timor

    Agroforestry contributes to the well-being of rural populations in East Timor


    Many countries have integrated agroforestry into their sustainable development policies, particularly in Southeast Asia. In Timor-Leste, the national strategy for promoting agroforestry adopted a modern, technical approach focusing on crop rotation, intercropping and agro-sylvo-pastoralism. In so doing, it has largely overlooked the pre-existence, diversity and performance of traditional agroforestry systems (AFS). But what exactly are they? This is the question posed by Marguerite Cogné and Guillaume Lescuyer of the UPR Forêts et Sociétés.

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  • Can REDD+ succeed? Occurrence and influence of various combinations of interventions in sub-national initiatives

    Can REDD+ succeed? Occurrence and influence of various combinations of interventions in sub-national initiatives


    The institutional predecessor of REDD+ is the Integrated Conservation and Development Project (ICDP), which combines restrictions on forest access and conversion (negative interventions) with unconditional direct benefits (positive interventions) to compensate local stakeholders for income losses due to these restrictions. The idea behind REDD+ was to enhance the ICDP model with a different type of positive intervention: conditional direct benefits, often known as payments for environmental services or PES. How has this idea played out in reality? That's what a team of researchers including Colas Chervier from the UPR Forêts et Sociétés set out to find out.

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  • An experimental game to assess hunter participation in zoonosis surveillance

    An experimental game to assess hunter participation in zoonosis surveillance


    Enhanced monitoring of zoonotic disease emergence in wild meat value chains is an essential element in preventing future health crises. Community hunters could play the role of front-line observers in surveillance systems for zoonotic pathogens in wildlife, reporting early signs of possible disease in the game they regularly observe and handle. With this in mind, an experimental game has been designed to help hunters detect zoonoses at an early stage.

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  • Ultraviolet light has no effect on the evolution of trees

    Ultraviolet light has no effect on the evolution of trees


    A study published in the journal PNAS reveals that the sun's UV rays are not the main driving force behind mutations in trees. Sylvain Schmitt is interviewed about this breakthrough in the France Culture morning show.

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  • Publication of issue 357 of Bois et Forêts des Tropiques magazine

    Publication of issue 357 of Bois et Forêts des Tropiques magazine


    The December 2023 issue of the scientific and technical journal Bois et Forêts des Tropiques has just been published.

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  • Can REDD+ succeed? Occurrence and influence of various combinations of interventions in subnational initiatives

    Can REDD+ succeed? Occurrence and influence of various combinations of interventions in subnational initiatives


    The institutional predecessor of REDD+ is the Integrated Conservation and Development Project (ICDP), which combines restrictions on forest access and conversion (negative interventions) with unconditional direct benefits (positive interventions) to compensate local stakeholders for income losses due to these restrictions. The idea of REDD+ was to enhance the ICDP model with a different type of positive intervention: conditional direct benefits, often known as payments for environmental services or PES. How did this idea work out in practice?

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  • More than life traits, habitats explain the low co-occurrence of native and exotic birds on Réunion Island

    More than life traits, habitats explain the low co-occurrence of native and exotic birds on Réunion Island


    Which of life traits and ecosystems are most important in structuring the distribution of native and exotic birds within landscapes? This question has been addressed by a number of researchers familiar with landscape ecology and ornithology on Réunion Island.

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Nombre de pages : 4
Nombre éléments : 36
Page courante : 1